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A Decade of Cheating

Written by Lazo Support | Jul 22, 2024 9:41:03 AM

Betrayal in a relationship is a deeply painful experience that can leave lasting scars.

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This is the story of my tumultuous relationship, spanning over a decade, marked by infidelity, broken trust, and eventual realization. Through this journey, I discovered my own strength and the importance of setting boundaries to protect my well-being.

The Beginning: A Rocky Start

Initial Betrayal

When we first started dating, my then-boyfriend and I seemed like any other couple in love. However, it wasn’t long before the first cracks appeared. A friend from his social circle approached me with news that he had been unfaithful. At the time, I dismissed her claims, not wanting to believe that my boyfriend could betray me. However, a week later, he confessed to the affair, admitting that he had no intention of telling me but couldn’t handle the guilt. He promised it would never happen again, and I chose to forgive him.

Cutting Ties with the Informant

The friend who had informed me about the affair became a source of tension. She made my life difficult, trying to drive a wedge between us. Eventually, my boyfriend decided to cut her out of his life to protect our relationship. A few years later, we got married, believing that we had moved past the infidelity and built a stronger foundation.

Lockdown Revelations

The Truth about the Affair Partner

During the lockdown, I learned from my husband’s youngest sibling that the friend who had warned me about the affair was actually the affair partner. This revelation came when she and her husband, who was also my husband’s best friend, came to apologize for the trouble they had caused. While I chose not to forgive her, I decided to tolerate her presence so that my husband could reconnect with his best friend.

Growing Closer to Old Friends

Last year, my husband began spending more time with his best friend and, consequently, the affair partner, whom I will refer to as H. Despite my discomfort, I allowed it because I wanted my husband to rebuild his friendship. However, as the year progressed, my husband’s behavior grew increasingly concerning.

Financial Struggles and Emotional Distance

Job Loss and Financial Strain

At the end of the year, my husband lost his job, and my hours were cut, leading to significant financial strain. We maxed out our credit cards, and I found myself drowning in debt. Despite my efforts to encourage him to get a driver’s license and find work, he remained picky and unmotivated.

Increased Time with H

My husband started spending more time with H, often taking her advice over mine. She began visiting our house frequently, to the point where she was even found sleeping on his office couch. Every time I expressed my discomfort, he dismissed my concerns, making me feel unheard and invalidated.

The Breaking Point

Emotional Outbursts and Confrontations

The breaking point came when a family pet died. We asked my husband to dig a grave for the dog, but he disappeared to a friend’s house, leaving the rest of us to deal with the situation. My frustration and anger grew, and I found myself snapping at him frequently. The final straw was discovering H’s car outside our house early one morning, indicating she had stayed the night without my knowledge.

The Explosive Argument

When I confronted my husband, I exploded, expressing all my pent-up anger and hurt. I reminded him that his past infidelity with H made it impossible for me to trust them together. Instead of addressing my concerns, he shut down and walked away. An hour later, he texted me, suggesting we end our marriage because we were both miserable.

Confession and Heartbreak

The next day, he confessed that he had been cheating on me again with H. He admitted that he hoped I would be okay with having H as a partner, despite my clear boundaries. Our polyamorous arrangement had always excluded H due to the past betrayal, but he had broken this rule, leading to the ultimate betrayal.

Moving Forward: Dealing with the Aftermath

Family and Friends' Reactions

My husband’s actions led to his best friend cutting ties with him and his family expressing their anger and disappointment. They were supportive of me, understanding the pain I was going through. I decided to move on from this toxic relationship, realizing that staying would only cause more harm.

Discovering the Full Extent of the Betrayal

Snooping through his messages, I discovered that their physical relationship had been ongoing for three months. They had planned to leave me and H’s husband to be together, fully aware that I would never accept their relationship. This deliberate act of betrayal hurt more than anything else.

Planning for the Future

Despite the pain, I focused on planning my future. My husband found a job and agreed to help with my debt, allowing for an amicable separation. I decided to move out of state with my other partner and friends, aiming to start anew. H’s husband, on the other hand, decided to open their relationship on the condition that both H and my husband seek therapy.

Lessons Learned and Personal Growth

Setting Boundaries

This experience taught me the importance of setting and enforcing boundaries. I realized that allowing my husband to break these boundaries led to further pain and betrayal. Moving forward, I am committed to maintaining clear boundaries in all my relationships.

Recognizing Self-Worth

I learned to value myself and recognize my worth. Staying in a relationship where I was disrespected and betrayed repeatedly only diminished my self-esteem. By leaving, I reclaimed my dignity and took the first step towards healing.

Embracing New Beginnings

Leaving my husband marked the beginning of a new chapter. While the journey was painful, it also provided an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. I am now focused on building a life that reflects my values and prioritizes my happiness and well-being.


Betrayal in a relationship is devastating, but it also offers an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. My journey through infidelity and broken trust taught me valuable lessons about setting boundaries, recognizing self-worth, and the importance of a strong support network.

For anyone going through a similar experience, know that you have the strength to overcome the pain and build a brighter future. Surround yourself with supportive people, set clear boundaries, and prioritize your well-being. You deserve a relationship built on trust, respect, and mutual love.