Lazo log

Hey everyone! I’m Mia, a 31-year-old living in bustling San Francisco. My story today revolves around a unique and somewhat controversial experience—testing my boyfriend’s loyalty using Lazo.

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If you're curious about whether these tests work or if they're ethical, stick around. I promise to give you the full scoop, including all the juicy details.

Why I Decided to Test My Boyfriend

Jake and I have been together for two years. Our relationship has been nothing short of wonderful. We met at a mutual friend's wedding, where he was the charming best man, and I was the skeptical bridesmaid who didn't believe in love at first sight. But Jake changed my mind quickly with his wit, kindness, and genuine affection.

For the most part, our relationship has been smooth sailing. We have great chemistry, shared interests, and open communication. However, there's been a nagging insecurity on my part, likely due to my past relationships where trust was broken multiple times. Despite Jake never giving me a solid reason to doubt him, I wanted to put my mind at ease once and for all.

It was during a casual brunch with my friend Lisa that I first heard about Lazo. Lisa had recently used the platform to test her own boyfriend, and while she had her reservations, the outcome had been positive for her. After hearing her story, I found myself intrigued and curious. Could this be the solution to my lingering doubts?

How to know if my partner is loyal?

The Decision to Use Lazo

After much deliberation, I decided to give Lazo a try. It wasn’t an easy decision, but the promise of clarity and the hope of finally putting my insecurities to rest was too tempting to ignore.

I signed up on the Lazo platform and was immediately impressed with its professionalism and confidentiality. I found a Checker named Sam, who had a track record of successful tests. His profile exuded empathy and understanding, which made me feel more comfortable about the entire process.

Here’s how our initial conversation went:

Me: “Hi Sam, I’m Mia. I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend Jake for two years. I don’t have concrete reasons to doubt him, but past experiences have left me insecure. I need to test his loyalty to put my mind at ease. Can you help?”

Sam: “Hi Mia! I understand your situation. I’ll do my best to help you get the clarity you need. Could you tell me a bit more about Jake? What are his interests and how does he typically interact on social media?”

Me: “Jake loves sports, especially basketball, he’s a Lakers fan. He’s also into music and often shares playlists and concert photos on Instagram. His handle is @XXX. Maybe you could reacts to one of his stories where he shows what he's listening to or something.”

The Context of Our Relationship

Jake and I have built a life together that’s filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams. We’ve talked about getting married and starting a family, and those conversations have always filled me with joy. But the shadow of my past kept me from fully committing to these dreams.

Jake has always been supportive and understanding of my insecurities. He knew about my past and never pushed me to move faster than I was comfortable with.

How to know if my partner's loyal?

The Test Begins

Sam began the test by following Jake on Instagram and liking a few of his posts. He then sent a direct message complimenting Jake on his taste in music.

Sam: “Hey Jake! I stumbled upon your profile and noticed we have similar music tastes. Love the playlist you shared last week. Any recommendations?”

Jake: “Thanks! Always great to meet a fellow music lover. I’ve got plenty of recommendations. What genres are you into?”

This initial exchange was harmless, but it set the stage for further interaction. Over the next few days, Sam continued to engage Jake in conversations about music and sports. Each message from Sam was like a tiny dagger to my heart, filled with anticipation and dread.

Sam: “I’m a huge fan of indie rock. Any favorite bands or concerts you’ve been to recently?”

Jake: “Indie rock is awesome! Just saw The National live last month. Best concert of the year so far.”

Seeing Jake’s genuine enthusiasm for the conversation reassured me somewhat. He was just being friendly and engaging in a shared interest. But Sam and I had agreed to push the boundaries a bit more to see if Jake would entertain the idea of meeting up.

Sam: “That’s so cool! I’ve been dying to see them live. Maybe we could catch a concert together sometime?”

The Turning Point

Jake’s response to this suggestion was the moment of truth. My heart raced as I waited for Sam’s update. When it finally came, I felt a mix of relief and confusion.

Jake: “I’m flattered, but I’ve got a girlfriend. We’re both really into music, and she’s amazing. But thanks for the offer!”

Jake’s response was respectful and reaffirming of our relationship. He acknowledged Sam’s interest but set a clear boundary. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. However, Sam and I decided to continue the test a bit further, just to ensure there were no cracks in Jake’s loyalty.

Sam: “She sounds great! You’re lucky. Maybe we can all hang out sometime. I’d love to meet more music lovers in the area.”

Jake: “That sounds like fun! I’m sure Mia would love that too. Let’s plan something soon.”

Jake’s willingness to include me in the plans was a positive sign. It showed that he was not only loyal but also proud of our relationship. Still, the test wasn’t over yet.

The Final Test

Sam decided to take one last step. He suggested a one-on-one meetup to see if Jake would agree.

Sam: “Hey Jake, I’m heading to a music festival next weekend. It’s a last-minute thing, but if you’re free, maybe you could join me? Just as friends, of course.”

Jake’s response came quickly and decisively.

Jake: “Thanks for the invite, but I think I’ll pass. It wouldn’t feel right going without Mia. Hope you have a great time though!”

That was it. Jake had passed the test with flying colors. He had maintained his loyalty and respected our relationship throughout the entire process. I felt a mixture of joy, relief, and guilt for doubting him in the first place.

How to know if my partner's loyal?

Reflecting on the Experience

This journey with Lazo was emotionally draining but ultimately rewarding. It gave me the clarity I needed and reaffirmed my trust in Jake. Here are some key takeaways from my experience:

1. Communication is Crucial

Before resorting to a loyalty test, try to communicate your insecurities and doubts with your partner. Honest conversations can often resolve underlying issues and strengthen your bond.

2. Trust Your Partner

If your partner has never given you a reason to doubt their loyalty, try to trust them. Past experiences should not dictate your current relationship.

3. Respect Your Partner’s Privacy

Testing your partner’s loyalty can feel invasive. Always weigh the potential benefits against the ethical implications and respect your partner’s privacy.

Why I Recommend Lazo

Despite the emotional rollercoaster, I would recommend Lazo to others who find themselves in similar situations. The platform is professional, confidential, and empathetic. It provides a service that can offer peace of mind.

If you’re struggling with doubts in your relationship, Lazo’s Feed is also a great resource. It’s an exchange space where you can discuss your concerns with other users, give and receive advice, and find support from a community that understands your situation.


My journey with Lazo was a profound and enlightening experience. It tested my relationship and, more importantly, my own insecurities. Jake’s loyalty was never in question, and the test reaffirmed that I needed to trust him and work on my own fears.

If you’re considering a loyalty test, remember that it’s a tool, not a solution. The foundation of any relationship is trust, communication, and mutual respect. Use platforms like Lazo wisely and always prioritize your emotional well-being.

Jake and I are now stronger than ever. The test, while stressful, brought us closer together. I no longer feel the need to question his loyalty, and I’m working on rebuilding my trust in relationships. Our future looks bright, and I’m grateful for the clarity this experience provided.


1. How can I approach my partner about my insecurities before deciding on a loyalty test?

Start with an open and honest conversation. Express your feelings using "I" statements to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, say, "I've been feeling insecure because of past experiences, and I want to ensure we have a strong foundation of trust."

2. What should I do if I still have doubts after a successful loyalty test?

Even if the test results are positive, lingering doubts can persist. Consider seeking counseling to address your insecurities and work on building a stronger, more trusting relationship with your partner.

3. How can I ensure a loyalty test doesn't negatively impact my relationship?

Transparency is key. If you decide to disclose the test to your partner afterward, explain your reasons and how it has helped you. Emphasize that it was done out of a need for reassurance and a desire to strengthen your relationship.

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