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Two Weeks After D-Day: Struggling to Make Sense of It All

Written by Lazo Support | Jul 24, 2024 2:22:57 PM

Two weeks ago, my world was turned upside down. My husband of seven years (we’ve been together for eleven) confessed he was having an affair with a coworker and decided to leave me for her. She had started working at his company four months ago, and their physical relationship began just a month ago. Despite the brief in-person encounters due to her living in a different city, he insisted that their connection was stronger than anything he had ever felt with me.

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The Initial Shock and Confusion

Discovering the Affair

When he told me about the affair, I was devastated. He claimed that he was happy in our marriage but felt a stronger connection with her. He rejected the idea of couples counseling, stating that his bond with her was undeniable. That same night, he informed our friends and family about his decision and flew to be with her the next day. His sudden move hurt not only me but also our friends and his parents, who had just moved across the country to be closer to us.

Trying to Understand

I’ve been grappling with two major issues: accepting what happened and fearing for my future. We had a happy marriage with minimal conflict and strong mutual support. Even our friends and family acknowledged how well we got along. I can’t understand why he would throw all that away for someone he barely knew. I’ve read about the "affair fog," but it doesn’t explain why he made the initial choice to get close to her.

There was a sense of a midlife crisis, with him feeling restless and questioning if this was all life had to offer. We both had some concerns about having children, but I believed we could work through them together. His sudden change of heart left me reeling, especially since he kept changing his story. Initially, it was all about the intense connection with his affair partner. Later, he claimed it was more about his desire for a new version of himself with a more fulfilling social life and independence.

Dealing with the Emotional Turmoil

Mixed Messages

He expressed guilt for what he did but showed little empathy for the pain he caused me and our loved ones. Despite claiming he wouldn’t forgive himself, he continued to pursue the relationship with her. He even suggested terms to split our assets and offered to start the divorce process if I agreed. We own a house together, and I am in no state to make such decisions two weeks after this trauma.

Nightmares and Reality

Every night, I wake up from nightmares to a reality that feels even worse. I’m desperately trying to make sense of what happened, fearing that I misjudged someone I thought I knew for a decade. The idea that a happy relationship can fall apart without warning is terrifying. I feel like if I can’t figure this out, I won’t be able to move on or find happiness with a new partner.

Fear for the Future

Facing an Uncertain Future

At 33, I am terrified of what the future holds. Even if I manage to start dating again in a year or two, I fear that my chances of finding another life partner and having the family I always dreamed of are slim. The thought of not finding a life partner is incredibly painful. I worry that I won’t be able to trust or feel secure in a relationship again.

The Loneliness of Moving On

I have a fulfilling life with hobbies and work, but without a partner to share the day-to-day moments, it’s hard to find meaning. While I have supportive friends and family, they have their own lives, and it’s not the same as having a partner. I already feel incredibly lonely as I adjust to normal life, and my friends and family haven’t been checking in as often.

Seeking Support and Finding Hope

A Cry for Help

These past few days have been especially hard as I’ve been dealing with COVID and haven’t been able to work or engage in my hobbies. The isolation has intensified my obsessive thoughts and emotions. If anyone has insight or can offer a sliver of hope, I would greatly appreciate it.

Moving Forward

Here are some steps I’m considering to move forward:

  • Leave if You Can: Never reconcile with a cheater; you deserve better.
  • Seek Support: Lean on friends, family, and therapy.
  • Go No Contact: If possible, limit contact to essential communication.
  • Forgive for Your Sake: Letting go helps you move forward.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Take it day by day and acknowledge your progress.


Infidelity is one of the most devastating experiences anyone can go through in a relationship. The betrayal and emotional pain can leave lasting scars. However, by seeking support, reflecting on the situation, and prioritizing your well-being, it’s possible to find a path to healing and recovery. Remember, you are not alone, and there is hope for a better future.